Archive for March, 2009


Water and excerise

March 31, 2009

Ok, so I almost missed posting at all in March. Not good. Just so much going on. I need an easy way to post from my BB. I will find a way before to long. 🙂

Anyway on to my post 🙂

Everyone knows how important it is to drink plenty of water especially during exercise. I know it’s important but didn’t know how much until just recently. I have tried to use an elliptical before and it never turned out so good. In fact I was never able to go more than 15 minutes if that long. That last couple of weeks on the bike has been rough also. My legs were just giving out after just 15 to 20 minutes. It would take everything I have to just keep going. I started talking to my boss and another co-worker about it and they asked about my water intake during exercise. Well I haven’t been drinking any during exercise. So lets see what happens next 🙂

The next day I take a water bottle in with me to drink some water while trying the elliptical again. And 45 minutes later, I decide to stop. Yes I was able to go 45 minutes. Last week with skipping a day, I spent 2 hours and 20 minutes on the elliptical and walked almost 2 hours at home later. And oh yea. I lost 5 pounds last week 🙂

So now, I make sure keep water with me when I work out. Now I just need to find a bigger water bottle that will keep my water a little colder. The one I have is just a cheapy that the company I used to work for gave me one year.
